

pro tip: in a zombie apocalypse, your first stop shouldn’t be a guns shop, it should be a hardware store. not only are they stocked with enough caustic materials and sharp weaponry to make your head spin, they usually also have camping and survival gear as well as food. and most are windowless and easy to defend. just saying.

pro tip 2: Buy the shark mail that divers use. If a shark can’t bite through it, neither can a zombie


There’s A Tree Covered In Spikes Whose Fruit Explodes Sending Sharp Seeds 100 Feet At 150 Mph

While it may sound like something taken straight from the books of fiction, the
Sandbox Tree (Hura Crepitans) is all too real for the scores of Central
and South American farmers who’ve had their cattle injured by these
explosive plants. Upon ripening, the fruit of the Sandbox tree
will explode like a botanical hand-grenade carrying seeds up to 40m at
240kph, easily penetrating any animal or poorly placed window.

Day 11 – Sodium


This one is for all you salty people out there!

In the third Period, first Group, Sodium is in a lot of compounds we see every day, such as table salt, baking soda, and compounds that help the nervous system like sodium borate.

When mixed with water, Sodium creates a huge exothermic reaction, releasing Hydrogen gas at high speeds due to proton repulsion.

In 2013, a teen chugged a bottle of soy sauce and went into a coma because of a sodium overdose. He turned out all right, luckily!

Most street lamps emit their yellow glow because of a combination of neon (our last element) and sodium.

Pure sodium at room temperature is a solid, but is extremely soft, you can cut it with an knife. Just make sure the knife is dry first!!


The Beal Ciphers

More than a hundred years ago, a small pamphlet was published titled “The Beale Papers,” which contained three cipher texts. The mysterious codes supposedly gave directions to a treasure buried in a secret location in Bedford County, Virginia in the 1820s.

According to the story in that pamphlet a man by the name of Thomas J. Beale and 30 other men came across  treasure in a mine located to the north of Santa Fe.They transported the treasure to Bedford County, and buried it in a secure location. Beale then wrote three encoded letters: one giving the exact location of the treasure, a second giving its detailed description, and a third giving the names and contact information of the 30 partners. He placed them in an iron box and gave them to a trusted friend (he was instructed to only open the box if Beal and his friends were unable to return from a journey they had set out on) —the local innkeeper named Robert Morriss —before disappearing, never to be seen again.

2 out of the 3 ciphers remain un-cracked to this day. Morriss tried to decode the ciphers but was unsuccessful so he passed it onto a friend (un-named) who spent years working on them. He was only able to decode one of them using The Declaration of Independence as a key. The decoded cipher read:

“The first deposit consisted of ten hundred and fourteen pounds of gold, and thirty-eight hundred and twelve pounds of silver, deposited Nov. eighteen nineteen. The second was made Dec. eighteen twenty-one, and consisted of nineteen hundred and seven pounds of gold, and twelve hundred and eighty-eight of silver; also jewels, obtained in St. Louis in exchange for silver to save transportation, and valued at thirteen thousand dollars.”

2 of the ciphers remain un-cracked.They have been published as “The Beal Papers” so anyone who wants can try to decode them. While some will never be swayed in their resolve to find the treasure, some experts consider the Beale ciphers to be an elaborate hoax.







This whole “trust Tumblr blindly” thing is eventually going to kill someone, as I became pointedly aware of on one occasion I was making fun of how poorly a particular bleach-based drain declogger was working on my sink and got a chorus of really dangerously misinformed people telling me to pour vinegar in after it because all cute little cool kid diy home care blogs they’re following talk about vinegar like it it’s the big secret the cleaning companies don’t want you to know.

And I cringed knowing that someday, some Well Actually expert who read a blog article once is going to give that advice to someone who unfortunately didn’t take high school chemistry and isn’t aware that MIXING VINEGAR AND BLEACH MAKES CHLORINE GAS.

holy fucking jesus tits reblog to save a life

OK I actually got a full on A* for GCSE Chemistry and if I ever knew this I’ve forgotten it. Seriously reblog this.

Also don’t use bleach to clean up if your cat pees outside the littlerbox (or urine in general for that matter, species doesn’t really matter here I think). I did that in a small space and it took me a bit of coughing and wheezing and wanting to tear my eyes out before I went, “wait, fuck, I just gassed myself”.

Be aware of the chemicals you are using even if they are natural cleaners.

16 Common Product Combinations You Should Never Mix

If you don’t don’t know what chlorine gas is it’s a gas that can kill you.


Scientists at Orfield Labs in Minneapolis study how subjects react in their anechoic chamber, also known as the world’s quietest room. The sound level in the room, which actually has the Guinness World Record, is -9 decibels, compared to the average “quiet” room’s 30.

The key to the level of silence is the fact that the walls, floor and ceiling absorb all sound, rather than reflecting it, as most surfaces do. Thus the term anechoic: no echo. It’s so quiet, you can hear your own organs: your heart, stomach, even your ears, which make a tiny amount of noise. It turns out that it’s not an especially pleasant experience, especially in the dark. The longest anyone has ever spent alone in the chamber? Forty-five minutes.

Orfield Labs uses the anechoic chamber to test the noise levels of various products like LED lights. But watch out: it could easily become a place to drive people mad. (Source)

More interesting posts like this here: @sixpenceee


Having trouble creating a believable but original governing system for your dystopia novel?

Instead of just using one type of traditional government (i.e. monarchy, republic, democracy, ect.), which has been done waaaay too many times, try making up your own from scratch, or try mixing multiple governing systems together.

For example:

In my novel, Under Control I used a monarchy as the foundation of my government. Then I swirled that around with an oligarchy, threw in a pinch of plutocracy and a smidgen of totalitarianism, along with a dollop of fascism.

Sounds confusing? It’s really not. Here’s how the government in Under Control works.

There is one family who mostly rules over what was formerly the United States and Canada (which has been renamed) the ancestors of this family are the ones responsible for changing the world, hence why they’re in control. But there are other families that rule along side them also.

That’s where the monarchy comes in.

Only these select families rule over/have authority, which basically turns the government into an oligarchy. And that’s also where the fascism comes in.

Because the people who are not helping to rule the country have absolutely no say in what happens, and because only the appointed few have authority this twists it into a bit of a totalitarian government.

Little do the people know that the governing family, the face of the nation, doesn’t actually have all the control. There is an organization, the Internal Ministry, which is made up of the (supposedly) most upright citizens that can be found (within certain social classifications). They actually run the show, making the government system into a Plutocracy.

By mixing these ideas together I have created a deep, complex governing system that’s original, and will make the readers ask questions. You always want to keep your readers asking questions as to keep them reading through to the end.

Now why do you give it a try!

Up above is a chart of different forms of government to help you get started!

Stay rebel.

[ I don’t own the chart. just the advice ]